I want to share with you the comments from many of my teaching friends regarding the victory of Glenda Ritz over Tony Bennett in the Indiana State Superintendent of Public Instruction election. First, a little background.
Tony Bennett was elected four years ago, and almost immediately began to approach public educators as though they were the worst thing to ever happen to education. As a teacher, I, along with my colleagues, took great exception to that. I worked with some of the best teachers around. I saw teachers who came in early, stayed late, worked weekends, purchased supplies, mentored struggling students, and did all kinds of things to try to help their students succeed. To be told they not only were not good enough, but were the problem, was demoralizing and made many wonder why they were sticking it out. To be told they were greedy was just crazy - and having summer break thrown about as if teachers do nothing all summer was just ridiculous. Bennett first changed the rating system for schools, then made it illegal for teachers to bargain anything but salaries, then tried to have a new (illegal) contract forced on districts, then declared private, for-profit schools superior to public schools, then changed the ratings AGAIN, and twice changed the timing of the high-stakes test being used to rate those schools. Oh, and this was done at the school's expense. So it's easy to see why teachers were so opposed to him and what he stands for. Bennett's idea of a good teacher was one who could pass a test, not one who has been trained in pedagogy and given ample opportunity to observe seasoned veterans and "practice" in internships.
Glenda Ritz is a teacher (as of right now). She ran on the platform of highly qualified teachers. She knows what teachers have been experiencing and wanted to change it. The big obstacle for her was two-fold: Name recognition, and she's not a Republican. Bennett had the benefit of the backing of the GOP as well as corporate monetary support. Ritz relied on word-of-mouth.
Today it worked. Today, students, parents, teachers, and citizens grouped together to spread a message about how important it was to change the leadership in Indianapolis in the interest of Indiana's kids and were able to realize that change. Not through expensive TV ads, not through mail (which no one reads anyway) and certainly not through slick signs and other media. We just talked about it. We simply put forth an impassioned plea for change and asked our friends and families to spread the word to their friends and families. Today we saw the power of the voice of the people and how the system really CAN work for Joe Citizen.
So, back to the thoughts of my friends:
Today "the people have spoken" really rang true-a true grassroots campaign-Congratulations Glenda Ritz and all the students and teachers in Indiana!
I have never felt more validated in my profession. Thank you all SO MUCH for voting for our children, our teachers, and our communities right to control their schools. A great weight (in the shape, weight, and size of Tony Bennett) has been lifted off of my shoulders.
Thank You! Thanks to all my friends and family, ... who listened to me and my colleagues, respected our thoughts, voted across their tickets just because they respected our profession and Indiana children. This is an amazing day for Public Education in Indiana. Our children can now be taught to collaborate, create, communicate and participate instead of being taught to take a test once each year. Thank You!! You are all amazing!
Goodbye and good riddance to you, Tony Bennett. Go find yourself a new job - I suggest applying to one of the testing companies or for-profit school corporations you have been supporting, instead of Indiana's hard working and dedicated teachers!
Thank you thank you!!! Glenda Ritz is our new superintendent of public education!!! I am so happy I cried a little!!!!
THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN! Pack up, TB. Update your resume. We have been validated. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all who support Glenda, from our kids, our communities, and from teachers everywhere.
It is nice to know that the best candidate for the job can win even if she didn't have the money or political clout. I should sleep good tonight.
And from two friends, one a former student who will be student teaching next year, and the other whose husband is in school to be a teacher:
It feels good knowing I will have a job when I graduate :)
YAY!!! A huge win for our family :) Glenda Ritz as State Superintendent! This means a hopeful outlook for my amazing husband as he begins his teaching career in less than 2 years! So proud of you honey - go get 'em!!!!!!!!!!It was important. It still is important. Our children are always important. Our votes continue to be important. And my feelings about the future of this state are so much more optimistic tonight.
I am now re-energized, re-encouraged, re-committed to be a good citizen, vote for more than just the President, and be more involved in my community. It DOES matter! We CAN make a difference!
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